For New Candidates...Registration Coming Soon for Welcome Aboard Luncheon on June 14th!

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Academic Year "Kick Off" + Board Meeting

  • 22 Aug 2021
  • 16:00 - 18:30
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed

The Academic Year is just a couple of weeks away and as we know, the one thing you can always guarantee with USNA is…things are changing ALL THE TIME!  I will get as much of the up to date information from USNA as possible to share with you.  Please register for the Zoom call and NOTE BELOW THAT THERE IS A PASSCODE!


Join this meeting on Zoom from wherever you are, and we can call it an “AZ Happy Hour” so eat and drink, we just want to have all of our fabulous parents included.  We will answer questions from 2025’s that came up following PPW; share info for 2/C Weekend coming up for 2023’s; the details about the “grassroots” 1/C Weekend in October for 2022’s and tell you where to get your Commissioning 101; and lots more information for all classes.  Plus, we will talk ALL ACADEMIES BALL!  Remember to mark your calendar for 12-30-21!


The meeting will be followed by a Board meeting and ALL parents are welcome to stay on for that; it’s a great way to get involved in the Club!


As always, feel free to email or call me if you need anything.





Topic: USNA AZ Parents' Club Academic Year "kick off" + Board mtg

Time: Aug 22, 2021 04:00 PM Arizona


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