Packing Party is Saturday, February 15th! Register Here!

Become a Member!

Membership is open to all parents and/or guardians of young men or women who have been appointed to the United States Naval Academy, the Naval Academy Preparatory School, or Foundation Schools, as well as USNA Alumni and Blue and Gold Officers. 

Why should you become a member??

  • The Club provides a support network for families at all stages: Plebe-Commissioning, and those serving in the fleet 
  • The "Your Mid is My Mid" mantra rings true and The Club supports all Mids--those from Arizona and those who travel here for athletics, Glee Club, and other Academy-sponsored events
  • The Club sends 2 Care Packages a year to Arizona Midshipmen whose parents are members in good standing. Membership Dues help fund postage costs.
  • Invitations to events for socializing with others who "get it" -- USNA is N*T College and Navy is a family
  • The largest financial benefit to members is that your Midshipman will receive complimentary admission to the annual All Academies Ball (at least $150.00 value, each year).

Please become a member today by clicking the appropriate button below: 

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