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USNA PARENT to PARENT ZOOM MEETING: 21, 22, 23, 24 parents

  • 15 Jun 2020
  • 17:00
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed

Dear USNA AZ Parents:

Today, I attended a very informative online meeting held for USNA Parent Club Presidents -- with a lot of updated information directly from the Commandant of Midshipmen.  I know many of you have questions about what things are going to look like for Plebe Summer and this coming academic year.


Below, please find a link to a Zoom meeting that I scheduled for Parents on Monday, 6/15 at 5:00 PM.  We will go for 90 minutes, but if more time is needed, we can certainly schedule additional meetings.  ALL PARENTS are invited to attend the meeting: Classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024!  Current MIDN parents, you can share good insight for our 2024 parents, and I can relay the “hot off the presses” info coming to me from USNA that relates to all classes.


There will be a second email going out for a separate Zoom meeting for Plebes-to-be and current Midshipmen on Wednesday, 6/17 at 5:00 PM for one hour.  I think that will be very helpful and informative for them to have their own Q&A and discussion. Parents, please stay off that Zoom call, BUT LET YOUR MIDN OR CANDIDATE KNOW (in case they don’t read our emails  ).


Thank you for supporting USNA and the Naval Academy Parents’ Club of Arizona.  It will be great to come together again. 


Warm regards,

Jill Butler




Topic: More Updates from USNA

Time: Jun 15, 2020 05:00 PM Arizona


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